Saturday, September 17, 2005
two spades and 490 holes

Normally it is a murder around town that makes news around town and there was one of sorts last week which appears to have involved a heroin transfer going wrong. It wasn't gang or fued related and looks as if it has been solved, but another event that happened during the week that has attracted a whole lot more attention is reported here. Two self proclaimed "scumbags" commited the heinous crime of digging up the hallowed ground of Thomond Park and then left a note- '“F**K THE GUARDS F**K THE SYSTEM SIGNED SCUMBAGS.” The strange goings on in this wonderful city at times neaver cease to amaze but why exactly people would go the trouble of digging about 490 holes in the pitch is certainly a bit of a head scratcher. The reaction as one would expect for anything to do with Limerick has been a bit over the top with front page coverage and main photo on the irish independent, headline sports news on most radio stations and it even made sky news! The end result is that the pitch will be unplayable until October 22. Munster’s first Celtic League game scheduled for September 23 will be transferred to Cork. Other local games have also had to be re scheduled and some transferred to other pitches.