Monday, July 18, 2005

gone to the dogs

Gone to the dogs is a great catch phrase but things are literally gone that way at the markets field dog track if the article in the Leader is to be believed. Apparently the protesters were upset about cruelty to greyhounds, but in true limerick fashion for a finish it wound up that most of the protesters themselves were complaining about the verbal abuse being hurled at them by the greyhound enthusiasts on their way in to watch the nights action!! It appears that there is concern about the treatment of greyhounds sold on to Spain from the Dog track and what happens them once they reach la viva espana. Personally i would have thought that was a problem for the people in spain as i was of the (perhaps mistaken) opinion that all Irish greyhounds were well treated by their owners.. certainly better treated that some of the poor animals that some of the locals have mutilated and hung from lamposts and other spots around estates in the city over the last few years- but thats another story for another day. Anyway, it seems to have provoked a bit of a debate so at least we have something new to "bitch" about.....

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