Thursday, June 30, 2005

809 not out (just about!!), and one bloody big bill for Limerick City council

If all else fails, and there's not much happening, its good to see that the local politicans are always good to provide a bit of light relief with tales of bickering, double crossing and (literally) knives and daggers out... - i know its limerick but its only meant as a pun this time.. and at the end of it all we have a new Mayor. The story is well worth a read and just proves that even though we are in Celtic tiger ireland and a whole new modernist report, some things just stay the same!! Anyway, congratulations to Councillor Diarmuid Scully, who after all the bitch fighting and fighting on the beaches emerged as Limerick’s 809th mayor!!

In other news, and it will probably concern the new Mayor just as he is settling in to his new chair, the City Council is once again going to be in deep shit - and this time i mean literally!! as they have just lost a case against Uniform construction who they sacked from a contract on doing part of the main drainage scheme for the city! The bill for the Council could be up to 25 million euros!! that works out at a lot of money per person within the City!! God help the poor businesses in the city centre, there will probably be more of them pulling out to the retail parks in the suburbs (and some of them in the county area) when they get the bill for their rates next year!.

Also in related news a Limerick man was sentenced for his involvement in a horiffic incident that took place in Cratloe last year.

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