Saturday, April 30, 2005
the weekly Limerick round up
Things are still relatively quiet in Limerick at the minute but there is plenty of activity happening down around the local courthouses according to the papers. Some of the highlights include a man who pleaded guilty to robbing an off licence on the ennis rd who got 8 months at the states leisure in mulgrave street after he "apologised profusely for his actions”. A young lad carrying a walking stick in Moyross which had a detachable 12 inch sword hidden inside got six months he maintained that it was just an ornament! Other events of note include the finding of a big lump of cannabis worth a few hundred thousand euro (maybe a very big lump!) in a field at Cappantymore in Meelick on the outskirts of the city.

But all of this pales into signifance with the big event of the week, yes you guessed it, the truck that ground the city to a halt last Tuesday morning. In another sure sign that the road network is badly fecked if anything goes wrong around town, most of the city ground to a halt because the shannon bridge was closed from just after half six in the morning until after 3pm. A man driving a cement truck had a bit of a wobble and the truck overturned, thankfully it didnt land on anyone. The truck which contained dry cement had to have the powder vacuumed out of it before it could be turned upright and then the roads had to be cleaned.. much bitching by irate drivers later, things returned to normal!!