Friday, April 29, 2005
just catching up on a few things...
seeing as this blog is all new and shiny, there are a couple of events from recent times that need to be discussed.. one of which are a few quotes from someone never short of a word or two, the one and only boss of ryanair - otherwise known as "the vomet comet" Michael O'Leary. Da bould Michael was invited by some of the intelligent life forms that inhabit UL these days to pass on a few words of wisdom, and one of his favoured topics was the Shannon stopover.. In a form of words that surely would not really delight SOS (save our stopover) and all those orther organisations down the years camapaigning for it to be kept ,the Ryanir boss believes that Shannon Airport should abandon the stopover and instead concentrate on winning business from mainland Europe and Britain.
"Tell them you don't want it," said Mr O'Leary. "Transatlantic will never be a large market for Ireland or for Shannon because it takes about eight hours to get here."
Good one Michael- but it only takes five if you're coming from the states and the wind is behind ya!! He also hasnt much regard to History and Shannons proud record of the past.......
"I don't give a s**t if they invented Irish coffee in Rineanna or if Maureen O'Hara flew through here 50 years ago. What I care about is the loss of tourism business," he said.
Always good for a quoteis Michael, meanwhile reports that Irish Coffee was indeed invented in Rineanna have not been yet confirmed!! And just to prove that he does know what he's doing, he also pointed out that since Ryanair's 14 new routes to Europe went on sale on the airline's website three months ago, there have been 350,000 bookings made, a large proportion of which have been from Europe and Britain.
"Tell them you don't want it," said Mr O'Leary. "Transatlantic will never be a large market for Ireland or for Shannon because it takes about eight hours to get here."
Good one Michael- but it only takes five if you're coming from the states and the wind is behind ya!! He also hasnt much regard to History and Shannons proud record of the past.......
"I don't give a s**t if they invented Irish coffee in Rineanna or if Maureen O'Hara flew through here 50 years ago. What I care about is the loss of tourism business," he said.
Always good for a quoteis Michael, meanwhile reports that Irish Coffee was indeed invented in Rineanna have not been yet confirmed!! And just to prove that he does know what he's doing, he also pointed out that since Ryanair's 14 new routes to Europe went on sale on the airline's website three months ago, there have been 350,000 bookings made, a large proportion of which have been from Europe and Britain.